Announcement of the new Disability Employment Services Framework from CBS Inc. Noarlunga
Community Bridging Services (CBS) Inc. welcomed the Honourable Amanda Rishworth MP, Minister for Families and Social Services, to announce the new Disability Employment Services (DES) Framework at our Noarlunga CBS Inc. office on Thursday 6 July 2023. The Minister’s office contacted us directly as they wanted to make the announcement alongside a top-quality DES Provider that understands the importance of including people with lived experience in decision making. Amongst the attendees were CBS Inc. Jobnet Employment Program clients, employers, and partners.
According to a statement from the Department of Social Services (DSS), “The new DES Quality Framework will ensure that providing a high-quality service for people with disability is placed at the forefront of the DES program, and providers are consistently focused on driving meaningful and sustained quality improvement in delivering their services.”
“Providers will be assessed against four quality elements which focus on the quality of service being provided to people with disability and employers in the achievement of participant employment outcomes. The views and experiences of people with disability will for the first time be at the forefront of how Disability Employment Services provider performance is measured through the release and implementation of the new Quality Framework.”
CBS Inc. Founder and Executive Director, Freddie Brincat OAM, also said during the launch event “We know that as a service provider we are both accountable to our participants and to Government and taxpayers that fund us. By continuing to communicate and work together we will further improve the number and quality of jobs for people with disability and the long-term sustainability of employment for individuals.”
Stefan Noto, client of the CBS Inc. Jobnet Employment Program and consumer nominee of the CBS Inc. Board shared, “The old framework didn’t take into account people’s life experience and environments. This new framework captures more information to understand the person’s needs, rather than feeling like just a number.”
Tiffanwy Klippel-Cooper, also a CBS Inc. Jobnet Employment Program client, shared at the event that “In my experience, I have been spoken for but not listened to. But you can’t anticipate what a person needs without asking them. This new framework means we will be moving forward hand in hand.”
It was an honour to host the press event and this recognition from the Minister is a testament to our passionate staff that always put our clients first in all employment outcomes.
The announcement was filmed for local news and media. Hon Amanda Rishworth MP also had the event live streamed to their Facebook page – watch it here.